The World’s Oldest Man’s Secret to a Long Life Hina Jalil: The World’s Oldest Man’s Secret to a Long Life

The World’s Oldest Man’s Secret to a Long Life

114 years old Walter Breuning, the world’s oldest living man, has died from natural causes on Thursday in Great Falls, Montana. He was born on 21st September 1896 in Melrose, Minnesota.

Breuning attributed much of his longevity to his diet. Shortly after his wife died, Breuning started eating out at restaurants. Eventually, he stopped dining out, but he continued eating two meals a day. He ate a big breakfast and a hearty lunch but skipped an evening meal, snacking on fruit instead. Breuning consumed a lot of water plus a cup and a half of coffee with breakfast and one cup with lunch. He got up every day at 6:15 a.m. and had breakfast at 7:30 a.m. He then took a stroll around block for exercise and could thenbe found sitting in the lobby chatting with fellow residents.

Here’s the world’s oldest man’s secret to a long life:

* Embrace change, even when the change slaps you in the face. (“Every change is good.”)
* Eat two meals a day (“That’s all you need.”)
* Work as long as you can (“That money’s going to come in handy.”)
* Help others (“The more you do for others, the better shape you’re in.”)

Then there’s the hardest part. It’s a lesson Breuning said he learned from his grandfather: Accept death.

“We’re going to die. Some people are scared of dying. Never be afraid to die. Because you’re born to die,” he said.

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